Protocol for Attic Access at Randolph Hall

  1. Inform/notify the Building Liaison thirty days prior to the requested visit:
    • State the purpose of the visit, dates, times, duration of the access including the names and numbers of the persons attending.
  2. Building Liaison will contact the Office of Legal Affairs and Activities Coordinator to check on the buildings scheduled activities and verify the visit will not interfere with normal business or planned functions.
  3. Provided the access will not interfere with OLA or other building activities, the Building Liaison will contact the Environmental Health & Safety Office to inform them, how many and who are going up there, what specific tasks or scope of work will be done and provide the safety instructions and hazard explanation. We will confirm they have a ladder that is two to three feet above the opening (14-15’ min), so that it provides adequate safety and support for connecting to the fixed ladder in place.

Note: The attic space is a confined space, because there is only one entry and exit. However it is not a “permit required” confined space, so some of the requirements are relaxed from those required for below grade spaces. The space is not appropriate for everyone, no small children, elderly, or physically challenged persons. The space is not ADA compliant and is not intended to be available to the general public. Appropriate clothing must be worn. Sandal, dresses and skirts are not acceptable. We must communicate this FULLY.

This protocol must be consistent for all attic access requests. This is not intended to curtail, eliminate, or stop bonified needs or requirements to access this space. However, safety comes first and we must assure that persons are aware of the hazards and that a minimum number of persons are in the attic to minimize accidents and property damage.

This policy has been endorsed by the highest appropriate level of the institution please help us enforce it.

If you have any questions, please contact the building liaison or myself.

Cliff Hamilton
Director, EHS